大英博物館に名を刻むアーティスト・桑嶋維と京都 便利堂による史上最大のコロタイププリントによる写真作品。
The largest-ever collotype print of a photographic work by TSUNAKI Kuwashima who has made his mark on the British Museum and Kyoto BENRIDO.
「真夏の死」 #1 「闘牛島」――桑嶋維は徳之島をこう呼ぶ。奄美における闘牛は薩摩藩の支配下にあった約400年前から続いており、とりわけ徳之島は闘牛と人々の生き方が濃くまじりあう特異な島である。本作品では、歴代最強と言われた闘牛「福田喜和道1号」の全盛期と引退後の姿を、便利堂コロタイプ史上最大の超大判プリント(120×120cm x 4)の連作を桑嶋独自の表現方法で、彼が「キューブ」と呼ぶ立方体で制作。全長約5メートルによる写真彫刻の圧倒的迫力をぜひご覧いただきたい。
"Midsummer Death " #1 "Bullfighting Island"-this is what TSUNAKI Kuwashima calls Tokunoshima(Island). Bullfighting in Amami has continued for about 400 years under the rule of the Satsuma clan, and Tokunoshima in particular is a unique island where bullfighting and people's way of life are deeply intertwined. In this work, Kuwashima created a series of super-large prints (120 x 120 cm x 4), the largest in the history of "Kyoto Benrido" 's large collotype prints ever, in his own unique way, in a cube he calls a "CUBE," depicting "Kiwamichi Fukuda the 1," the strongest bullfighter of all time, in his prime and after his retirement. The overwhelming power of this photographic sculpture, measuring approximately 5 meters in length, is definitely worth seeing.
Editions just Only 2.
↓Click to check out TSUNAKI Kuwahsima on the website.
Please click ↓ to see the art work.
YouTube:真夏の死#2/MIDSUMMER DEATH#2
◆生産会社・Producing Company◆
株式会社 便利堂・Benrido
120cm×120cm ×240cm × 4(Approximately 500cm x 120cm x 240cm)
和紙、鉄、等・WASHI paper,Iron,ETC.
◆使用上の注意・Precautions for use◆
Please be careful of accidental ingestion by small children.
◆生産国・producing country◆
◆お届けにかかる日数(目安)・Approximate delivery time◆
Shipment within 7 business days after receipt of order.
Since we produce (or assemble and ship directly to you) our products, even after your order is placed, it may take some time for us to deliver your order due to stock status, traffic and weather conditions, etc. Please understand.
◆Returns and exchanges due to defects, damage, pain, etc. of delivered products◆
対応不可能・Impossible to support
限定版の為・For limited editions
■In the unlikely event of delivery damage or defective products, we will immediately rearrange the delivery at our expense.